Thursday, November 1, 2012


Bapak had so much to talk about this morning. That's normal, I mean when he talks, he'll go on & on & on, with topics of all sorts, where one isn't related to another hehehe

Bapak said that someday something big will happen to me, that I'll be somewhere I ever wanted to be. Then, I asked him to make du'a for me that one day I'll be in the Holy Cities. It touched my heart when he excitedly said "MasyaAllah, saya tak sangka awak sebut nak pergi situ. Situ la tempatnya nanti satu hari awak akan pergi." :')

Then I asked Bapak to read Al Fateha but he refused. I read ayat kursi to him, he followed a line or two and then he said "Awak baik, terima kasih la." It saddened me with the fact that Bapak no longer recognise us all :( Ya Allah please bless both my parents in this dunya and in the hereafter, ameen. And then he continued blabbering non-stop..tak penat dok Bapak hehehe

happy bapak

father-daughter in conversation :)

mak fried epok2 for us..brought kari kepala ikan & taugeh goreng for mak


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