Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Abang's Surgery - Part VI - Post Surgery

Dr Lai made his morning rounds as early as at 8am to check on Abang. Abang's still having the drip of antibiotic on his left hand which caused a lil discomfort and pain. The urinal tube's still attached too. Dr Soong and Dr Fong came awhile later to check on Abang. Oh yes, yesterday we were given all the teeth that had been extracted minus the wisdom tooth which was planted way beneath the gums. That, with a lump of flesh had been discarded. And ya Allah, Ayah boleh na kluarkan itu gigi from the container to take pix..eeee tkley la nilunyerr!! >.<

hi! i'm so sexy & i know it hehehe

dr fong checking on abang


Today they gonna remove the urinal tube and to monitor if Abang is able to pass urine at the toilet. They will also remove the antibiotic drip if Abang's able to eat his soft diet. Yes, today they gonna prepare a soft diet for Abang during lunch and dinner. If Abang's able to eat the soft diet ie porridge, able to go to the toilet without feeling dizzy, doesn't have any fever, he can be discharged in the evening.

The nurse came to check on Abang's temperature. Alhamdulillah no fever yey! Abang's so strong and so determined to get well, and most importantly, he's so looking forward to go home. Once the urinal tube had been removed, he woke up and tried going to the toilet. Alhamdulilah, just slight dizziness initially and no assistance needed.

Lunch was chicken stock porridge. He was able to eat but of coz at a very slow pace with drippings here and there around the lips. But that's an achievement alright. alhamdulillah.

Today, Abang received quite a number of visitors. Just like it was yesterday, it was quite chaotic to get in the ward. I wonder why they must impose such system where only 4 visitors in the ward at any one time. And that inclusive even the parents. Abang's friends, Syahir and Lukman came but only Syahir was allowed in. Lukman couldn't get to see Abang during the first visiting time. As such, he waited for 5pm visiting hour to visit Abang with another friend Fahmi. Kesian betol ar bebudak ni. Then Wak Ni, Wak Saleh & Kak Inah came as early as 3+, too early to visit. Then when it was time for them to go up the ward, Iwan, Lina & Syirah were already making their way up. That left them and Abang's friend to wait once more. Kesian betol ar! :( But alhamdulillah everyone managed to see Abang in the end. Maznie actually wanted to come. Told her about the hospital's visiting procedure and she decided to visit Abang at home instead after his discharge.


good friends they are..too bad lupa nak snap syahir wif abang

Lukman & Fahmi took the longest time to be with Abang coz we left them to themselves at the ward while we had our dinner. Abang called while we were having our dinner and told us that he could be discharge tonight. Alhamdulillah! We went back to the ward to solat and packed up everything in preparation for Abang;s discharge. As expected the waiting is trying our patience but the little chat we had with the uncle next bed & his wife made it short. We left shortly after collecting his medicines.


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