Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Abang's Surgery - Part V - Post Surgery

Ayah left home as soon as after fajr prayer at about 6am. At 6.30am, a staff from CGH called to inform that Abang will be brought to the Operating Theatre at 7.30am. Alhamdulillah Ayah reached just in time. I went over a lil later with Kakak and Adek. Wak Lin & Iman.

patiently waiting for abang

Expected time for surgery - 4 hours But somehow the hours were stretched to 9 & that had caused so much anxiety for us. Though it ended at about 11+, Abang could still not able to be pushed back to the ward. He was put in the OT observation room till he was abit stable and regained his consciousness.

It was only at about 4.30pm that Abang was pushed back to his ward bed. And alhamdulillah the surgery went well. Dr Lai had to attend to another scheduled surgery. Thus, two of his assistants, Dr Fong and Dr Soong came to give reviews on the surgery. Abang had been very brave in that he didn't make any complains of pains or sorts before & after the surgery.

As soon as I saw Abang for the first time after the surgery, I broke down. It was truly heartbreaking to see him. And then I realised that I need to stay strong for him. Ya Allah as much as he needs the strength to carry on, please give me the strength I needed most.

As a post surgery side effect, Abang vomitted 9 times in all, and it's all blood all the time. It hurt me so much to see him in such condition :'( But alhamdulillah after 9pm the vomitting stopped.

Abang received many visitors today. Ida & Dini didn't manage to see Abang coz they left before he was out. Wak Yaya, Wak Esah & Fahmi had to wait till Wak Lin & Iman left to go to the ward. Wak Ru came with a friend in the evening after Wak Yaya left. Mak Long & Wak Misah also came in the evening followed by Fadzillah. Afiq stayed downstairs as Mak Long & Wak Misah had not left yet.

only sips of water for time being

Decided to stayover for the night and let Ayah go back with Kakak to rest since he's been at the hospital the whole day. Abang did great during the night & he was able to sleep well. Mama yang tkley sleep coz sejok giler!! Da kai sweater and slimot pon still sejok sey.


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