Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Of check-ups & counting down

Today Abang had his first check-up after his surgery. Check-up was at NDC-National Dental Centre. Alhamdulillah everything went well for Abang. Dr Lai did a check on his stitches and decided that Abang's recovering very well.

The first time Dr Lai did a check on him after his surgery, he said that Abang would be fully recovered the least for about 6 months. But today, he told us that recovery will be faster than expected, that is 3 months...alhamdulillah!!

Abang had so much to ask Dr Lai & one of his queries made me sigh a relieve. The lukewarm saltwater that he'd been gargling with was in fact a good mouthwash. We asked for his advice on our upcoming trip to Beijing, if Abang's fit for the trip, that is. Alhamdulillah Dr Lai gave us the green light, advising us that Abang must avoid any falls. He just can't fall! No rugged activities for him that might trigger any falling. He has to consume mineral water while in Beijing, no taking of the plain water in their restaurants or the likes. It's just a measure to ensure that he consumes clean water. And with regards to the very cold weather, Dr Lai said that Abang would not be greatly affected by it, that it would not cause any swellings on him. Alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah..what's important, he's able to go for the holidays, nevermind about not getting his hands on the winter activities though.

Now that green light's been given, we are now able to start counting down the days yey!! Beijing, wo lai ler kekeke


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