Wednesday, October 31, 2012

No.4 on the way!!

Quite unexpected but alhamdulillah. Allah is the best planner and He Knows what's best for His slaves. InsyaAllah, with lotsa du'a, everything's gonna be fine.

Aha, gotcha!! No, it isn't me I'm talking about.. hahaha It's someone close to heart though :)

Teha's gonna be a big sister!! Yes, you heard me right! And her Ibu needs me to look after both Teha & her to-be-no.4. Nora is expected to give birth in May next year and will be having 4 mths maternity leave. Teha will be 3yr 3mth & by next year her Ibu will be registering her for preschool, probably at AlKhair.

Ya Allah, grant me good health & iman so that I'll be able to carry on with the responsibilities of looking after both Teha and her to-be brother/sister, ameen..

And guess who is the most excited among all? None other but Kakak Dini :D

Ok k on another note nari kite terasa nak makan ni, so kite masak ni la nari..nasi jagong and ayam masak merah :))


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