Sunday, November 4, 2012


17th, alhamdulillah..& still counting, insyaAllah..

May Allah bless, protect, preserve and increase us & the kids in all that is of benefit for the sake of nothing but being near to Him, ameen.

Nothing special today. It's just another day. Since hubby is working, we, minus Adek, just had lunch at Wendy's @Jurong East. Adek biase ar malas nak keluar rumah hehe..We then headed to Clementi Mall while Ayah went straight to work. Had Tutti Frutti after getting some stuff & went back home after that.

Decided on a movie marathon in the late evening to end our day. OmarSeries it is!! MasyaAllah, it's such a beautiful movie. Sad to say, Adek had watched it, before exams period, earlier than Mama & he's already into Episode 25. Kakak benefitted from watching it in that it is relevant to her higher Arabic subject. A day well spent with the kids, alhamdulilah.


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