Friday, November 23, 2012

His mood swings

Abang can get easily irritated even at the most slightest things at times. I should understand. He keeps on complaining about not being able to wash clean his mouth properly and that the smell irritates him to the max.

Eversince he was discharged from the hospital, his appetite's been good. He would even wake up as early as at 4am to eat. Porridge, pudding, jelly, cake, bread, milo, fresh milk are among his daily diet at present. He would normally eat when he's asked to or when he's hungry. When he's in a bad mood, tanya nak makan pon ley jadi marah. Then, when I bought him tauhuay, he said he didn't want and that he didn't even asked me to buy :(

However, it's really a pleasure when his good mood sets in. Just like the time when he sang along with Kakak to the tune of a song I'm not famliar with. And he was happy when his Nyai and cousin, Hilmi came to visit him this morning.

Eimah came with her boys in the late afternoon while he was sleeping. He woke up to acknowledge their presence and chose to be in bed again. Tkmo kecik ati eh Cik Eimah!

Teha was so mentel with Abang Bobo. But still, she said Ha nak kawen ngan Maman lol!!


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