Thursday, November 22, 2012

He speaks what he feels

In his journey towards recovery, I wonder if he's already experiencing what he's supposed to experience. The feeling of numbness which Doc had advised prior to his surgery has probably taken effect. He was having his dinner last night when he suddenly asked me. "Mama masak bubor ni tak letak garam eh?" "Why? Mama rasa ok je" "Tawarlah. Next time letak banyak2 garam ar." Then he's worried and got agitated that his saliva kept on drooling and hated the unpleasant smell for he couldn't get to open up his mouth properly to wash it clean o_O Frustration, do not come any time sooner, please..

Today, he came up to me asking for forgiveness and thanking me for all the sacrifices I'd made all these while. It so touched my heart that hugging and kissing were momento altogether :') Ya Allah please grant him speedy recovery! It breaks my heart to see him worrying too much about his condition.


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