Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Abang's Surgery - Part II

Today only Ayah accompanied Abang to NDC. Stitches were removed earlier. All went well, alhamdulillah. We have to send Abang for blood test at Changi General Hospital tomorrow.

The surgeon who attended to Abang told us that a major surgery is needed. The tumor is growing and it is said to have spread close to the ear. And as a preventive measure, 3 of his upper teeth need to be extracted as well, apart from the other 3 lower teeth, wisdom tooth inclusive. We were given 2 options. Option 1, to slit open parts of the jaw which might need to be temporarily removed during surgery. But the surgeon advised us on the 2nd option, that is to burn away the tumor, with a long term side effect though, that the inner right side of his mouth will stay permanently numb. Should there be any chances of healing, it might take a year or two. Rabbi Yassir wala tu'Assir..Rabbi tammim bilkhair.

Histopathology Report from physician:
banyak sangat scientific term, cukop la ini in short;
Gross Description : The specimen is received in formalin, labelled with patient's data and designated "soft tissue-cystic lesion over right posterior mandible". It consists of a flat piece of cystic tissue measuring 2.5 x 1x 0.3cm

Summary : 8 Nov - minor surgery/tissue sampling
14 Nov - stitch removal
15 Nov - blood test
19 Nov - hospital admission
20 Nov - major surgery

everything khair insyaAllah..Allah ma'ana :')


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