Friday, November 30, 2012

Abang is 16 today!

It's quite pitiful that my first bundle has to celebrate his 16th Birthday today without any special dish or any dining out. All because he's still recuperating and because Mama's unwell and because Abang's still on soft diet. I'm so sorry my dear :( But insyaAllah, Mama's du'a will be the greatest gift ever for you.

Happy 16th Birthday Abang! May you grow to be a successful mukmin in this world and in the hereafter. And may you always be in Allah's protection and guidance, insyaAllah.

Perhaps the trip to Beijing is a perfect birthday gift for you? hee Whatever that makes you happy, son!

ok, these watch & wallet & cash from nora & hafiz made his day :)

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Adek's back!

Alhamdulillah Adek's back from the 4 days 3 nights' Kem Tahsin Al Qur'an at about 10.30pm just now. I'm so glad that he enjoyed himself there, the activities, tarannum and all. And I'm sure he and his friends had benefitted so much from their stay in Riyadh Restu Resort, Kuang, Selangor.

them, teachers & friends

my second bundle, adek :)

i'm loving this!

places they visited

masjid salahuddin, shah alam

taman seni islam

what they received at the end of the camp : Qur'an, a book on khat and a kain pelekat

a certificate of participation

Molar extraction

With no exaggeration intended, for a 45sen penakot nak mampos person, the pain I got for a molar extraction is excruciating. Shivered all over before extraction. Injection was painful. The dentist gotta do it twice coz the numbness isn't numb enough for me the first time. Extraction was fine but scary still, with so much shaking. For one aching tooth, I had to part with $205 for consultation, x-ray, extraction & medication. And, I'm all feverish & feeling the pain all over again after the numbness wore off! :'(

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


ouchhh!! it's painful ok! :(

Of check-ups & counting down

Today Abang had his first check-up after his surgery. Check-up was at NDC-National Dental Centre. Alhamdulillah everything went well for Abang. Dr Lai did a check on his stitches and decided that Abang's recovering very well.

The first time Dr Lai did a check on him after his surgery, he said that Abang would be fully recovered the least for about 6 months. But today, he told us that recovery will be faster than expected, that is 3 months...alhamdulillah!!

Abang had so much to ask Dr Lai & one of his queries made me sigh a relieve. The lukewarm saltwater that he'd been gargling with was in fact a good mouthwash. We asked for his advice on our upcoming trip to Beijing, if Abang's fit for the trip, that is. Alhamdulillah Dr Lai gave us the green light, advising us that Abang must avoid any falls. He just can't fall! No rugged activities for him that might trigger any falling. He has to consume mineral water while in Beijing, no taking of the plain water in their restaurants or the likes. It's just a measure to ensure that he consumes clean water. And with regards to the very cold weather, Dr Lai said that Abang would not be greatly affected by it, that it would not cause any swellings on him. Alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah..what's important, he's able to go for the holidays, nevermind about not getting his hands on the winter activities though.

Now that green light's been given, we are now able to start counting down the days yey!! Beijing, wo lai ler kekeke

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Kem Tahsin Al Qur'an

Adek had left for school as early as at 6am just now. He'll be leaving for Riyadh Restu Resort Kuang, Selangor with his teachers and friends for the Kem Tahsin Al Qur'an. May they have a safe journey and may the 4 days 3 nights' programs benefit them to the max, insyaAllah.

my examplary boy who left the house with solat sunat musafir and 3x takbir! alhamdulillah :)

Friday, November 23, 2012

His mood swings

Abang can get easily irritated even at the most slightest things at times. I should understand. He keeps on complaining about not being able to wash clean his mouth properly and that the smell irritates him to the max.

Eversince he was discharged from the hospital, his appetite's been good. He would even wake up as early as at 4am to eat. Porridge, pudding, jelly, cake, bread, milo, fresh milk are among his daily diet at present. He would normally eat when he's asked to or when he's hungry. When he's in a bad mood, tanya nak makan pon ley jadi marah. Then, when I bought him tauhuay, he said he didn't want and that he didn't even asked me to buy :(

However, it's really a pleasure when his good mood sets in. Just like the time when he sang along with Kakak to the tune of a song I'm not famliar with. And he was happy when his Nyai and cousin, Hilmi came to visit him this morning.

Eimah came with her boys in the late afternoon while he was sleeping. He woke up to acknowledge their presence and chose to be in bed again. Tkmo kecik ati eh Cik Eimah!

Teha was so mentel with Abang Bobo. But still, she said Ha nak kawen ngan Maman lol!!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

He speaks what he feels

In his journey towards recovery, I wonder if he's already experiencing what he's supposed to experience. The feeling of numbness which Doc had advised prior to his surgery has probably taken effect. He was having his dinner last night when he suddenly asked me. "Mama masak bubor ni tak letak garam eh?" "Why? Mama rasa ok je" "Tawarlah. Next time letak banyak2 garam ar." Then he's worried and got agitated that his saliva kept on drooling and hated the unpleasant smell for he couldn't get to open up his mouth properly to wash it clean o_O Frustration, do not come any time sooner, please..

Today, he came up to me asking for forgiveness and thanking me for all the sacrifices I'd made all these while. It so touched my heart that hugging and kissing were momento altogether :') Ya Allah please grant him speedy recovery! It breaks my heart to see him worrying too much about his condition.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Abang's Surgery - Part VI - Post Surgery

Dr Lai made his morning rounds as early as at 8am to check on Abang. Abang's still having the drip of antibiotic on his left hand which caused a lil discomfort and pain. The urinal tube's still attached too. Dr Soong and Dr Fong came awhile later to check on Abang. Oh yes, yesterday we were given all the teeth that had been extracted minus the wisdom tooth which was planted way beneath the gums. That, with a lump of flesh had been discarded. And ya Allah, Ayah boleh na kluarkan itu gigi from the container to take pix..eeee tkley la nilunyerr!! >.<

hi! i'm so sexy & i know it hehehe

dr fong checking on abang


Today they gonna remove the urinal tube and to monitor if Abang is able to pass urine at the toilet. They will also remove the antibiotic drip if Abang's able to eat his soft diet. Yes, today they gonna prepare a soft diet for Abang during lunch and dinner. If Abang's able to eat the soft diet ie porridge, able to go to the toilet without feeling dizzy, doesn't have any fever, he can be discharged in the evening.

The nurse came to check on Abang's temperature. Alhamdulillah no fever yey! Abang's so strong and so determined to get well, and most importantly, he's so looking forward to go home. Once the urinal tube had been removed, he woke up and tried going to the toilet. Alhamdulilah, just slight dizziness initially and no assistance needed.

Lunch was chicken stock porridge. He was able to eat but of coz at a very slow pace with drippings here and there around the lips. But that's an achievement alright. alhamdulillah.

Today, Abang received quite a number of visitors. Just like it was yesterday, it was quite chaotic to get in the ward. I wonder why they must impose such system where only 4 visitors in the ward at any one time. And that inclusive even the parents. Abang's friends, Syahir and Lukman came but only Syahir was allowed in. Lukman couldn't get to see Abang during the first visiting time. As such, he waited for 5pm visiting hour to visit Abang with another friend Fahmi. Kesian betol ar bebudak ni. Then Wak Ni, Wak Saleh & Kak Inah came as early as 3+, too early to visit. Then when it was time for them to go up the ward, Iwan, Lina & Syirah were already making their way up. That left them and Abang's friend to wait once more. Kesian betol ar! :( But alhamdulillah everyone managed to see Abang in the end. Maznie actually wanted to come. Told her about the hospital's visiting procedure and she decided to visit Abang at home instead after his discharge.


good friends they are..too bad lupa nak snap syahir wif abang

Lukman & Fahmi took the longest time to be with Abang coz we left them to themselves at the ward while we had our dinner. Abang called while we were having our dinner and told us that he could be discharge tonight. Alhamdulillah! We went back to the ward to solat and packed up everything in preparation for Abang;s discharge. As expected the waiting is trying our patience but the little chat we had with the uncle next bed & his wife made it short. We left shortly after collecting his medicines.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Abang's Surgery - Part V - Post Surgery

Ayah left home as soon as after fajr prayer at about 6am. At 6.30am, a staff from CGH called to inform that Abang will be brought to the Operating Theatre at 7.30am. Alhamdulillah Ayah reached just in time. I went over a lil later with Kakak and Adek. Wak Lin & Iman.

patiently waiting for abang

Expected time for surgery - 4 hours But somehow the hours were stretched to 9 & that had caused so much anxiety for us. Though it ended at about 11+, Abang could still not able to be pushed back to the ward. He was put in the OT observation room till he was abit stable and regained his consciousness.

It was only at about 4.30pm that Abang was pushed back to his ward bed. And alhamdulillah the surgery went well. Dr Lai had to attend to another scheduled surgery. Thus, two of his assistants, Dr Fong and Dr Soong came to give reviews on the surgery. Abang had been very brave in that he didn't make any complains of pains or sorts before & after the surgery.

As soon as I saw Abang for the first time after the surgery, I broke down. It was truly heartbreaking to see him. And then I realised that I need to stay strong for him. Ya Allah as much as he needs the strength to carry on, please give me the strength I needed most.

As a post surgery side effect, Abang vomitted 9 times in all, and it's all blood all the time. It hurt me so much to see him in such condition :'( But alhamdulillah after 9pm the vomitting stopped.

Abang received many visitors today. Ida & Dini didn't manage to see Abang coz they left before he was out. Wak Yaya, Wak Esah & Fahmi had to wait till Wak Lin & Iman left to go to the ward. Wak Ru came with a friend in the evening after Wak Yaya left. Mak Long & Wak Misah also came in the evening followed by Fadzillah. Afiq stayed downstairs as Mak Long & Wak Misah had not left yet.

only sips of water for time being

Decided to stayover for the night and let Ayah go back with Kakak to rest since he's been at the hospital the whole day. Abang did great during the night & he was able to sleep well. Mama yang tkley sleep coz sejok giler!! Da kai sweater and slimot pon still sejok sey.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Abang's Surgery - Part IV - The Waiting

Today's the biggest event in Abang's life. He was pushed to the operating theatre at about 7.30 earlier this morning and the surgery will last for 4hrs insyaAllah.

A lie it is if I were to say that I'm not nervous at all. I woke up teary, palms up thanking Allah for giving me a chance to breathe for yet another day & say a prayer that everything's gonna be alright for my son. Ya Allah give him the strength emotionally, physically & spiritually to face this obstacle. I always believe that there's always a hikmah behind every musibah. Everything happens for a reason and Allah will not burden His slave more than what he could bear, insyaAllah.

As for now, the waiting begins.

Abang's Surgery - Part III - Hospital Admission

We reached Changi General Hospital earlier than the admission time today. Did some registration at the visitors' registration counter. It's abit troublesome here at CGH, just like it is at SGH. Visitors need to register before they are allowed to visit the patient and only 4 visitors are allowed to the ward at any one time.

After registration, we went back to the Patient Service Center. At about 3pm we were then ushered to Ward 39, Bed 22 at level 9 via Lift Lobby C. Abang got a bed near the window. Not quite bad for a C class 5-bedder room, air-conditioned with a nice view. Most importantly, there's a little space beside Abang's bed for us to solat, alhamdulillah. We did recce the space at level 4 & sure enough it's ideal to solat there but we preferred to do it at the ward instead.

view from abang's bed :)

Dr Lai, the surgeon in-charge wasn't around yesterday. Another Doc came in at about 5pm to explain once again the surgery procedures/pre surgery/post surgery tomorrow. Another blood test was done on Abang.

We went down for our dinner leaving Abang to rest before his dinner time at 6. Wak Na came at almost 7 with Hakim & Haris. Ayah & the kids had to go down to give way to Wak Na to visit Abang. Unfortunately, Ustaz & Aqi were also waiting to see Abang and had to wait for a bit. A good exercise for me though; up & down the ward & lobby. But alhamdulillah, on the bright side, everyone gotta perform Maghrib prayers at the wards, taking turns.

hannan happy giler! hehe

Abang was down with fever after dinner. Probably because of the blood test done earlier. Perhaps he was feeling nervous for tomorrow's surgery. He was given an ice pack to help bring down his temperature. Alhamdulillah, his temperature was down shortly before we left at about 9pm. InsyaAllah everything's gonna be alright for him tomorrow. Allah is with him.

On another note, my baby is missing me. Teha's down with fever, runny nose & coughs. Syafakillah dearest!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Year end results

Being in the best class was truly a challenge for Kakak. But I believe she had done her very best. "I'm not going to be 1st in class anymore. But I will try to do my best, insyaAllah." she said during the first few months of class reshuffling early this year. And alhamdulillah she did just that, giving her best. Nevermind that she's 10th in position, she still managed to obtain an overall of 84.8%

Time and again, Adek never fails to impress me. 5MS & 1M, straight A1s & a B3 with overall 87.6% alhamdulillah alhamdulillah!

Abang's been slacking lately. He really need to work hard for his O level next year. No failures though, with a mix of A2, B3 & B4 and an overall of 67%, I see a huge drop in % . Still, alhamdulillah. Mustn't get him to worry much as he is now mentally preparing himself for his upcoming surgery.

Marha marha to all 3!! The much awaited winter holidays will be Ayah & Mama's reward for your efforts, insyaAllah. Pray that Abang will have a safe & smooth surgery so that he will not be left out for the trip, ameen.

Blood Test

We reached CGH as early as 8.45am this morning. Our first at CGH. Not that bad la, though the journey was long, it wasn't difficult to get there.

Went to 2nd level, K clinic where Abang took a blood test today, just that..and it didn't take long..not even the registration nor the waiting for his number to be called, alhamdulillah.

We then headed to the Patient Service Center at the 1st level to register for his admission on Monday. After the registration for admission was done, went up to G clinic to see a doctor. Nothing much was done, except that Ayah and Abang were interviewd by the doctor & Abang was given some words of encouragement for his major surgery which is due on Tuesday.

Pastu, apelagik, sapadek ler pat Qiji before balek hehe
 Eh balek pon tak balek, singgah Tampines jap ar abetu hujan lebat hokay haha

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