Friday, October 5, 2012

Lunch at Popeye's

Fadzillah wanted so much to go out on a lunch date with us. Today, she wasn't working coz it's Children's Day. Wak Ni not working too, so just the right timing. Kesian orang tak reti jalan naik MRTso we ended up going to Popeye's at Changi T3, which is nearer to her since she's staying in Tampines. Nampak sangat kenerbesan dia naik MRT sorang2 sampai berpeloh-peloh LOL!!! So, we reached T2 MRT at 11.30am and waited for Syirah who came abit later.


teha enjoying herself at the playground

 Teha had a good time at the playground after lunch. Ok la let her enjoy dulu before we go back. 

We took the same train where Fadzillah alighted at Tanah Merah & transferred to the other line towards Tampines. We, on the other hand took the train from the opposite platform and alighted at Kembangan as we decided to take separate cabs home, for fear we might miss our Zuhr prayer if we were to continue taking the train. Teha was so tired that she fell asleep as soon as we were in the cab. Mama tak kasi chan, da sampai kejot her & that caused her to membebel 'penatnyer! penatnyer!' LOL!! Once we reached home, changed her diaper, she drank her milk & continued her sleep haha

tired lil miss chatterbox otw home

continued sleeping after milk & diaper change :D

Teha woke up late, almost time for Maghrib. Told her Ibu to fetch her a lil later. And after Maghrib, she's all ready to go home.

while waiting for Ayah Hafiz to fetch her "makcik kpop, pakai baju obit..tating u!!" haha


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