Thursday, October 25, 2012

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha

As usual, Eid prayer at Masjid AlKhair in the morning. Went back home after prayer before proceeding to Mak & Bapak's place. Brought beef steak in baked beans. Not quite satisfied with it though coz tercair :( nonetheless, the taste was fine :) haizz lama tk masak ini steak da hehehe

Everyone was there except for Wak Lin's family who were in Pontian for korban. Bapak was in high spirit, alhamdulillah. The guys went to Masjid Assyakirin for their Friday prayer. It was such a lazy noon that we ladies & girls melepak while the guys were off for prayer.

Wak Yaya & family came later in the afternoon when Wak In & Wak Ni had already left. Har decided to bring Bapak for a walk in his wheeled chair after his meal. Bapak was reluctant. Many a times he refused but relented in the end. Upon reaching home from his jalan2, he was seen catching his breath..macam penat sangat gitu, as though macam main kejar2 hehehe Wak Yaya & Har mentioned that Bapak could recognise numbers. He read out the block numbers while they were at the playground :)

None from Ayah's side called. As such Ayah decided that we stay put at Kang Ching for the day. That was a BIG YEY to the kids..wallahi, it wasn't what I wanted but it was better that way though..hari raya doesn't seem like one to them..i dunno..well..wateva! :(


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