Thursday, October 18, 2012


Been a week now since Teha was trained to pee & poop in the toilet. Alhamdulillah she has been doing great. No accidental or on purpose 'leakage' :)) She was off diaper for the whole week training and Mama gotta keep on repeating "No more pakai pampers ok! Must wear panty. Nak kencing nak berak must go toilet. Baby je pakai pampers, Teha da big girl, paham?!" And that would come with a nod & "Paham" from her hehe 

I gotta admit that it was such a tiring week for me. Apeketidak, makan minom banyak..buangnye pon berkali-kali. But that's ok as long as she listens to instructions. No confidence for a diaper-free Teha on the road though..maybe I should try, on short distance for a start, insyaAllah.


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