Saturday, October 6, 2012

Boboi Hensem :D

Cooked Mee Soto earlier this morning, as early as before Fajr prayer haha serious la coz I intended to cook it in time for Bapak's breakfast :)) About 6.30am, heated up the soup, prepared the whatnots and off I went! The kids went back to sleep after solat and Ayah was preparing to go to work..yes, that early coz he's gotta be at the Expo for LG's roadshow by Harvey Norman, from Thursday to Sunday.

Reached Mak's place at about 7.30am. Mak tengah nak siap2kan Bapak..shave misai, gunting rambut, salin baju..pendek kata pastu Boboi hensem arr!! hehehe :)))

Dah siap, dah wangi, it was then time for breakfast.  Pushed him near the window & fed him breakfast after Mak had given him his medicines. Bapak loves Mee Soto! kemain hirop lagik soupnye :D 

It was exercise time for Bapak after breakfast. Mak & Cha assisted him in exercising his limbs by moving his hands & legs up and down. I decided to leave after he was done coz I need to settle keje pat rumah..hehe insyaAllah will be there again the soonest :)))


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