Monday, October 15, 2012

All is well, Alhamdulillah!

Teha was taken to see the doctor as soon as her Ibu & Ayah came to fetch her last Friday. The bleeding on her chin had stopped by the time they were at the clinic. Probably due to the minyak gamat & minyak but-but that I had applied on the cut, with His will, alhamdulillah.

No medicine given, no stitches needed, except that the Doctor washed the wound and applied plaster on the affected area. They were advised to go straight to the hospital should Teha feel any pain or should the blood still ooze out. Referral letter to the hospital was given just in case of any recurrence. But alhamdulillah till today, none happened.

Teha was as active as ever, even on the night of the incident. She requested for McD's sweet corn after the visit to the clinic. She loves sweet corn yes, as much as I do. Ayah has always keep stock of canned ones from NTUC for the two of us :)) masok esbok sejok, best bila makan hehehe

On another note, for the whole of today, Teha pooped and pee-ed in the toilet. Way to go darling, yey!!

Oh and yes, Teha's beginning to recognize أ & ب of the Quranic alphabets, alhamdulillah!


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