Friday, October 12, 2012

My accident it was!

She wanted so much to go to the playground after zuhr prayer today. It was scorching hot but she said "kejap je k Mama." And so Mama relented.

In less than 10 minutes she requested to play skate scooter at the void deck. We left the playground and went up to get her..err it used to be Kakak's skate scooter actually. She had fun and for a 2yrs 8mth old, she's an expert! hehe

Then it was time to go home. Kakak will be back soon, with Silmi coz they'll be doing their Insya' project together. Cooked mee siam kering for them & fried some nuggets to go along with.

Teha was all excited with Silmi's presence. After their meal, they went into Kakak's room to get all the things for the project ready. Teha tagged along wherever they went in the house..macam makcik kpo gitu..she must have jumped up & down the bed while the 2 big sisters were busy preparing their stuffs, when suddenly Kakak shouted out loud while I was in the kitchen.

Teha was bleeding on her chin!! Kakak didn't know how it really happened coz everything happened so fast. Perhaps she had knocked on Kakak's metallic bed frame while jumping :( Quite panicky coz the cut on her chin was quite deep..wiped off the blood with wetwipes and applied an elastoplast to her chin.

Teha didn't cry hard like any other kids would. Tried putting her to bed after she asked for her milk but she couldn't sleep with Kakak Silmi around.

Informed Ayah & her Ibu. Ayah suggested that I sent her to the clinic but her Ibu said she'll send Teha to the doctor after she finished work.

She kept on sneaking into Kakak's room, once in awhile disturbing them. Then when it was time for her bath, peeled the plaster off her chin. Blood was still oozing once the plaster was peeled. I got even panicky. Pressed on ice over and over again on her chin hoping that the blood would go off soon.

After bathing, applied minyak gamat for her before sealing the cut on her chin again with elastoplast. Teha is such a brave and strong girl. She didn't even cry.. not abit!

Her Ibu & Ayah came a lil earlier than usual just now to fetch her and told me not to worry so much. How not to when it all happened at my place :(

They are at the clinic right now and I'm anxiously waiting for updates from them. Praying that she wouldn't need any stitches :( Allah!!


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