Monday, September 10, 2012

YTS ~ Young Tahfiz Scholar

Today marks the 1st day of YTS program (Program Cendekiawan Tahfiz Muda). Adek is set to sail on this journey. Mama is as anxious though he's been in Sijil Tahfiz program for a few years now, this time round it's totally different, totally intensive. Darul Qur'an has targeted a period of two and a half years for these 20 selected students to finish memorising the Qur'an.

As of today, Adek will make his way to Darul Qur'an @Masjid Kampung Siglap 3 times in a week, right after school till after Isya'. And probably will be home only after 10.30pm. Ya Allah, how tough can that be!! Balancing school work with YTS program. May Allah make it easy for him, insyaAllah. May he be given the strength; physically, emotionally & spiritually, insyaAllah ameen!! To all reading, please make du'a for him, jazakAllah!!


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