Thursday, September 27, 2012

Bapak's Good!

Been a week since the last we paid Mak & Bapak a visit. Wasn't quite well for the past week..migraine lerr >.<

Cooked mee siam kering for Mak today. We left home much earlier than usual & decided not to let Teha sleep when she arrived.

Bapak's doing great alhamdulillah and was in a good mood all the time we were there :)) If it wasn't because of the condition he is now, he would have been happy playing with Teha.

I'm loving the instant goreng pisang that Mak served us earlier. They were delish!! And Wak Na came down to pass me my 3 packets of the instant goreng pisang that I had asked her to buy on the day she went to Larkin with Wak Lin.

cute lil teha & yai :))


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