Saturday, September 1, 2012

Them who came

Today was the first I received guests from hub's side. Pak Long's clan came. Everyone was spouseless for the day hehe Only Mak Long, Hisham, Maznie, Ain & the kids came. Pak Long was down with fever. Amir gotta work & Shahida's dad just had a bypass & was still in hospital. May he be granted a speedy recovery, insyaAllah ameen.

It was fun to see the different characters in all my 4 cucus; Qamelia, Irfan, Fawwah and Aqilah. Ok, Farah couldn't pronounce 'r' hence Fawwah..cuteness! And as kids, they were all impressively well behaved. Lau nakal2 tu biasa la..

Soon after Mak Long & gang left, a very close online friend of 7 years dropped by our crib; Eimah, Hamzah & their 3Fiqs, Syafiq, Taufiq & Wafiq :)) It was really nice to get to see them all again after a year since Wafiq was born. Wafiq looked so cute in his baju kurung which looked more like a gamis haha & Taufiq whom I used to call Bobo has certainly grown, almost outgrown Kakak :D

Supposed to go to Kak Nopiah's place with Wak Lin after Maghrib but was too tired so we dropped the idea, even to Wak Pon's. She called few times asking us to come over but I just had to decline her invites.

Tomorrow will be another busy day, visiting, to Kak Ida & Abang Nan's, Ustaz Hafiz's, Mak Ati's & Nyai. Wak Jamil's, mebe not.


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