Saturday, September 29, 2012

Co-location Briefing

Attended the co-location briefing this morning in school. Come 2013, Madrasah Al Irsyad will operate fully as an institution for primary students.

All secondary students will be co-located to Madrasah Aljunied. However, they'll remain Irsyadians, as they will still don Irsyad's uniform. Among other things that will not change are such as the curriculum, teachers, fees. Present secondary students will still be sitting for STE exams. The remaining P5 & P6 of 2012 will also continue to sit for STE. P4 of 2012 are the pioneer batch of JMS - Joint Madrasah System. I'm not so sure if there will still be any STE for Kakak by the time she's in sec4 coz the curriculum might change with JMS.

Irsyadians gotta adapt to some changes while in Aljunied premises. Teachers & students of Irsyad will be occupying the whole of level 3 in Madrasah Aljunied. 12 classrooms in all, 2 of which will be converted to male & female staff rooms. There will be only 1 recess time for Irsyadians in Aljunied, unlike the 2 they have in Irsyad. No staying back in Aljunied's premise after 5.30pm. All male Irsyadians will be wearing long sleeve shirts, which at present, only student leaders are wearing them.

Irsyad will continue to follow MOE school year calendar where all public holidays for Irsyad will be the same as that of secular schools. Whereas, Aljunied will still observe important Islamic dates on their school year calendar as their holidays. As such, Irsyad is still discussing on canteen vendors' matters.

K la just a brief update on this. Banyak lagik ar but now mata da stoink ar ngantokss hokay haha

cikgu zul, mr iskandar & principal, mr isham leading the discussion


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