Sunday, September 2, 2012

Raya Visits

We started our day early today. Left home at about almost 9.30am. Met up with Wak Lin & family at Admiralty MRT before heading to Kak Ida's crib. Yati & family were already there when we arrived.

Kak Ida's anak2 bujang really impressed me. The bee hoon goreng & chicken wraps were all prepared by them & they were masyaAllah sedap!! Lupa ar nak snap pix at Kak Ida's.

Ustaz Hafiz's crib is within walking distance from Kak Ida's. The boys walked while the girls. Wak Lin & Wak Sid tompang Abang Nan's car. Rasanya, jalan lagik cepat hee tapi takpe la, lau tak tak dapat rase naik keter Abang Nan hehehe

The children had fun at Ustaz's; main bunga api lagik! Hannan happy giler ramai kawan :)) It was a meaningful open house at Ustaz's..more of a majlis silaturrahim cum tazkirah, with food for the body & soul, alhamdulillah!

tazkirah amidst the makan2 session

ok principal & kaum kerabat ustaz tkde sumer menjadi-jadi hehehe

hannan :))

the dara2 sunti hehe

the guys




kanak2 ribena hepi main bunga api :D

while waiting for zuhr prayer

We decided to have our Zuhr prayer at Ustaz's before heading to Mak Ati's. Wak Lin & family stayed too and we went our separate ways after that. Hannan wanted to follow us at the time of leaving..da babai Ummi Abah sumer hehe so cute!

Reached Mak Ati's place around 2.30pm. Cik Maznah & family were there too. None from hub's side were already there..biasela tu, standard..met Lyn, suker sangat!! Lyn voiced her interest to join Ustaz Hafiz's class, alhamdulillah. Jik & Busu ( our halaqah sisters) might wanna join too, insyaAllah. Alhamdulillah! I'm sure Ustaz would be happy to have them :))

Liyana & Wak Ru came jus as we were about to leave Mak Ati's. Wak Pon was in another cab & came a lil later so no chance of meeting. But ok jugak la, tkde memekak je nanti aku kena marah tak gi rumah dia smalam haha

We went to Mak & Bapak's crib after Mak Ati's. Abang Lolit & Kak Leha was there..lama tak jumpa dia..Then shortly, Wak Jarah & children came. The boys wanted to go home earlier coz Abang will be having his STE Arabic oral tomorrow. Decided to stay for a lil longer with Kakak in case more guests coming. At about 6.30pm, Kak Rose & Wak Odin came. Since Wak Na turun jugak, we decided to make a move.


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