Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Dental Appointment

Sent Kakak and Adek for their dental appointment earlier this morning. Brought Teha along. Alhamdulillah the long wait didn't make her feel restless as there were many toys to play with at the waiting area.

teha enjoying herself at the play/toys section

Kakak's session took about one & half hours while Adek's lasted more than two hours. Ya Allah that's the longest time in their dental appointment history. Naik ngantok!! yawnzzz

teha taking a peek at kakak

It was almost 12pm by the time we left HPB. Decided to let them go home instead of heading to school...considering time for lunch, solat & journey to school, it would be almost time for school dismissal upon their arrival. Waste karen arr..tkpe la nanti Mama write a letter apart from the excuse chit from school dental. Furthermore Mama pity Adek who's gotta go to MKS this evening.

while waiting


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