Friday, September 7, 2012

Alhamdulillah It's Friday!

It's Friday; penghulu segala hari. Everything went well today, alhamdulillah. Ifan's mum invited Inah to her crib for raya. She hesitated and was so reluctant to go. So, being the concerned (not kpo eh..haha) makcik, I offered to accompany her. Ya Allah dua2 nerbes giler lol!! satu pat sini, satu pat mesir hahaha Yang pat sini, tak tentu rase, nak terkucil la, nak terberak la bila da sampai..yang pat sana cakap "macam nak demam ar" hahaha ..Ok k that aside, we felt so welcome :))

Ifan's mum prepared lunch for us. Alhamdulillah, memang so timely..lapar dok journey peh la jaoh dari CCK to Tampines..rezeki jangan ditolak hehehe We stayed for quite abit and had our zuhr prayer there afterwhich we took a cab and headed to Mak's. Wak Ni, Sarah, Iman & Cha were there too.

Kak Mon, Ayie & family came in the late afternoon. Lil Zahrah is so adorable, sebijik muka bapak dia!! Had a good time reminiscing those times in West Coast. Anak Wak Man & Wak Cik da jadi Bapak!! hee

kakak with nur hanifah zahrah

like father like daughter :))

bapak oblivious to the surrounding


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