Friday, August 3, 2012

Young Tahfiz Scholar Program

The YTS (Young Tahfiz Scholar) program at Darul Qur'an ~ Masjid Kampung Siglap for Adek will resume on 11th September 2012. Bestest du'a from Mama, Ayah, Abang & Kakak for Adek. May Allah bless Adek and grant him patience to overcome any obstacles that he may face along his journey towards being a Hafiz, insyaAllah.

ya Allah, meskipun dosa2 kami menggunung tinggi, namun Kau masih tetap terus-terusan mengurniakan nikmat ke atas kami, hamba2Mu yang kurang mensyukuri :'( begitu besar kasih sayangMu kepada kami..syukurillah wal hamdulillah ya Allah diatas nikmat ini...berikanlah kesabaran dan ketenangan serta kekuatan rohani dan jasmani pada anak kami sepanjang program itu nanti..dan sesungguhnya kami mohon redhaMu ya Allah..

Adek's gonna have a very tight schedule from September'12 onwards and he's gonna have late nights, having to attend classes 3 days in a week right after school hours till after isya'. And it is expected to go on for at least two and a half years. MasyaAllah, how tiring can that be! All for Allah, and may He guide, insyaAllah.

لا حول ولاقوة إلا بالله
"There is no initiative or capability except from Allah."


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