Sunday, August 19, 2012

First Day of Syawal 2012

Syawal at my parents' crib has always been the happiest, with a tinge of sadness.

For many years now, yesterday's was the most emotional Syawal. Bapak who prefers to remain silent most times, given the state he's in of late, was at his most active self verbally. Zikir, selawat, shahadah, fatehah, al ikhlas, all done while lying on the bed..Bapak remembers them all. Such is truly a blessing masyaAllah, alhamdulillah. And a rare 'tazkirah' from Bapak at the end of our visit resulted in tearful moments :') Felt so blessed!! Thank You Allah for my parents!

Tears aside, time was well spent with all my beloved siblings, nephews & nieces. And yes, I think I've put on 1kg with all the lontong, rendang, sambal goreng, black pepper prawns..the list just goes on...

my beautiful parents :) 

pretty nieces 

just some of us..hee yes, we are one very big family :)) 


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