Monday, August 27, 2012

Little Staff Nurse for the Day

Visited Bapak with lil darling Teha today after her nap. It was a breeze travelling in the MRT with her. I don't need to flag a cab to travel with a well-behaved girl like Teha. As long as she has enough food and drinks, she's a good girl..continuous food & drinks, that is haha

Fever is still on and off. His appetite is still considerably good. Bapak had to share his fruit & dessert with the lil staff nurse for the day as she couldn't resist anything that suits her tastebud :D

the not so guilty lil staff nurse :D

At about 3pm, Bapak was brought to the Rehab Center on the 5th floor as he hadn't had his morning exercise yet.

Ya Allah, please grant Bapak with continuous health & iman.


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