Monday, August 27, 2012

To & Fro the Hospital is our Hari Raya visits

Eversince Bapak was admitted to the hospital, the only raya visit was on Saturday, to my eldest Bro-in-law's crib for his open house invites, only because he balek kampong on 1st Syawal. Other than that, it's to & fro the hospital to take turns looking after Bapak. This is truly a chance for us siblings to care for Bapak in his times of need, yet, this isn't enough, compared to all the sacrifices & love he had for all 6 of us all this while.

Brought Kakak along to see her Yai on Friday 24/8/12, as both Abang & Adek decided to go the next day. Decided to meet up with Teha's Ibu at Bouna Vista MRT station as it's the most convenient place for her Ibu to fetch her. It would be late if we were to wait for her Ibu to fetch her at home, hence the meet up.

Bapak was OK2 but he wasn't comfortable with all the drips and had always tried to pull all the wires off. He disliked being handled by the nurses during nappy change either. He would get aggressive, even to the extent of throwing the pillows on the nurse & showing his temper as though he would punch the nurse on her face lol!! That aside, his tongue is ever ready wet with zikrullah. masyaAllah!! Allah is Great! He has taken all of Bapak's memories of us but retains Bapak's memories towards HIM, alhamdulillah!! May his last breath be accompanied with Kalamullah, insyaAllah ameen.

We went to the hospital again, after raya visit to Bro-in-law's on Saturday 25/8/12. Bapak was vomitting a few times in the late afternoon and looked kinda weak, with bout of fever. He felt better after his dinner but didn't speak a word besides chanting zikrullah :') . We requested to have his temperature taken as we felt that his fever had not subsided. True enough, he was having a high fever at 38.2deg. We left as soon as he was fast asleep after we gave him his fever medicine.

By the way, Bapak is so fortunate that few of his 21 grandchildren are so-called doctors..hehehe

The kids wanted so much to have Tutti Frutti before heading home. It's been awhile since the fasting month. So off we went to Clementi for trutti Frutti time. :))

Made a trip to the hospital again yesterday 26/8/12 with Kakak. Bapak was still having high fever at 38.9deg this time round. He was shivering all over and complained of pains in his joints. He had to be covered with 3 layers of blankets as he was feeling cold :( Another blood test was done. Bapak felt better though in the late afternoon, alhamdulillah. Quite a number of close friends & relatives came by to visit Bapak. May Allah bless them, ameen.


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