Thursday, August 23, 2012

Nora & Hafiz Raya visit

We reached home in time, just before Kakak's school bus' arrival, alhamdulillah. It was a mad rush as I heated the Rendang Paru which I cooked before going to the hospital. Kakak doesn't quite fancy the dish so I had to fry some frozen marinated chicken wings which do not need thawing b4 frying.

In between the time, sms-ed Teha's mum to confirm if they would be coming over for Raya visit. After receiving her confirmation, it was a mad rush again as I prepared the dishes to serve them later in the evening, in between my breaking of fast and Maghrib prayer. But alhamdulillah I managed to cook just on time before their arrival. 

teha in kakak dini's tudong hehe

 tukang berserak buat main hoodie kakak dini


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