Saturday, August 18, 2012

Last of Ramadhan

The day started early for us at Masjid AlKhair. Left home for Qiyam at Masjid AlKhair at 3+am. Alhamdulillah, getting a cab at that hour isn't a problem at all. Met Kak Sal & quite a number of the kids' friends from Madrasah Al Irsyad. Ustaz Hafiz Rapi'e lead the pre-dawn prayers. Had sahur before it was time for Fajr prayer. And we left the masjid, right after Fajr prayer, feeling blessed alhamdulillah.

It was really a bliss to recite the Takbir after Maghrib with my loved ones. It's something I look forward to on the night of Eid.

تقبل الله منا ومنكم
عيد مبارك! كل عام وانتم بخير

Let's preserve all the positive Ramadhan habits till the day we meet the next Ramadhan, insyaAllah.


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