Tuesday, August 28, 2012

FC (Fluid Consistencies) Diet

As of today, Bapak's on FC diet. FC needed to be added to his clear soup & plain water during lunch just now, and onwards I suppose.

It must have tasted good, otherwise Bapak wouldn't have finished the plain water & FC mixture. Too much fluid for today I guess coz watermelon juice was served in place of watermelon in fruit form...melepas la chance lil staff nurse! haha but she still got a share from Yai's jelly hehe oh btw, Bapak seldom call out/say a word to those who came to visit. But upon seeing Teha just now he said, "Mendelik matanya" pastu cam nak ketawa hehe

At 2.15pm Bapak was brought to 2nd level for some procedures. Was told that it would take about an hour before they push him back to his ward again.

As usual, couldn't stay for long. Left before Bapak's return. However, saw Bapak's bed being pushed out of the lift at the lift lobby. Coincidentally Mak & Wak In just reached & were at the lift lobby too :))

At 5pm received sms from Wak Lin. Bapak is still having chest infection and that swallowing is a bit of a problem for him. May Allah make it easy for Bapak insyaAllah.


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