Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Start of School year 2013

Alhamdulillah today went well for all 3 of them. Today was the start of the co-location for Irsyad Secondary students in Aljunied. And it was a whole new journey to school for Abang & Adek. Assembly for the Irsyadians was held at the auditorium which, according to them was quite cramp. Takpela, da menompang jangan nak komplen hehe Canteen food was ok, with 4 stalls operating. InsyaAllah everything's gonna work on fine for the Irsyadians being on Aljunied's ground :))

Kakak still remains in Irsyad and as mentioned in an earlier post, is in 5 Cordova alhamdulillah :)) It's a tough & competitive class and Kakak needs to be consistent. She's glad that Mdm Alwiyah is still her form teacher.

Adek is in 3 Bukhara, with Ustazah Faridah as his form teacher, while Mr Rahmat is the form teacher for Abang's class, 5 Bukhara, ermm impressive :) Abang needs to work doubly hard this year as he'll be sitting for his O's this year. With hard work, determination & du'a, he's gonna achieve what he aims for, insyaAllah.

May this school year be fruitful and may they receive barakah-filled & beneficial 'ilm, insyaAllah, ameen.


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