Monday, December 31, 2012

Making something bad from something good?

I agree with what Ustaz Fadli Ayub had posted on his FB timeline.

"I am all for dakwah and all other Islamic religious program, but for single women and young girls going out until late night, it does faze me, even if it's for the sake of good. I would prefer they stay at home and do the simple practices. Do not make your parents worry. For guys it is exceptional. Not double standards. This is where syaithan is playing with us. Making something bad from something good."

Anyhow, I do believe Syabab SG had done a very great job and they had indeed succeeded in pulling the so-called 'wild' youths to the masjid, alhamdulillah. I applauded them for their efforts. :))

However, I don't know, but I'm not in favour of the activities organised by be it Syabab SG, MOS, MCR of late. I'm far from against majlis in remembrance of our beloved Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. But of late, I see that these majlis that they organised looked somewhat like a 'pesta' :'( While I may still wanna attend various majlis selawat, or any of the likes, I'm firm with my stand, Islam itu satu penghayatan, bukan keramaian..wallahua'lam

I seek refuge in Allah from Syaitan, the accursed one.


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