Saturday, January 19, 2013

A New Paradigm in Madrasah Education

Time and again, I'm proud to have enrolled all my three kids into a Madrasah for their education, specifically Madrasah Al Irsyad Al Islamiah. Alhamdulillah, throughout the years, I've seen many positive changes in the curriculum that the Madrasah has to offer in order to meet the needs of it's students, to be on par, if not better than their counterparts in the mainstream schools, and more.

In 2009, began the revamp of the Madrasah education system, where 3 out of 6 full time Madrasahs were brought together under one system, JMS - Joint Madrasah System. Since then, Madrasah Al Irsyad became the feeder Primary School to Madrasah Aljunied & Madrasah Al Arabiah, which would offer Secondary & Pre-U education.

Yesterday, parents of the 3 Madrasahs under JMS were invited for a very important briefing on a new paradigm in Madrasah education. And oh, I'm impressed! Kudos to the teams involved in revamping the Madrasah education system for the betterment of Madrasah students. May Allah ease all of their affairs, insyaAllah ameen. And alhamdulillah, Kakak will be among the students of the first cohort of JMS..

Click here for a recent update on the speech by Dr Yaacob Ibrahim on the revamped Madrasah Education System. ---> A New Paradigm in Madrasah Education

& here for latest update on JMS ---> JMS


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