Saturday, December 15, 2012

Beijing 2012 : Snow in our Courtyard


A day to remember. Was looking thru' some pix taken the day before while lying on my bed. Saw flurry white thingy falling down past the window. It's gotta be the snow, so I thought. Hubby wasn't quite keen initially coz he thought it could have been nasty neighbours throwing things outta the window...bedek ke orang nak buang sampah sejok2 nk bukak tingkap! haizz..

I was so sure that it was snowing. Opened the door to check and yes indeed snow was falling!!! subhanallah, alhamdulillah Allahu akbar!! Allah hears and answers our prayers. The weather forecast stated that it would snow only on 13/12/12 but Allah wills it to snow today!! alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah.. ya Allah happy sangat2!! wrapped up ourselves with our coats & jackets, put on our boots and went outside to see, touch and feel the snow. No words to describe how we felt, subhanallah!! oh & yes, snow flakes are so beautiful subhanallah!!

Anak branak so jakon, for it was our first experiencing snow. We literally played, danced & sang in the snow. Sampai apek2 nyonya2 tersenyom-senyom nengok gelagat kite 5 branak hahaha It was truly a day to remember :)))


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