Thursday, December 27, 2012

Places we've not been for awhile

Ayah suggested that we had lunch at Brickworks. It's been a very very long time since the last time I had lunch at the famous chicken rice stall at Brickworks estate, it being my fav chicken rice stall during my working days.

Razak never changed, a joker still. Midah dari dulu sampai sekarang keje dia potong ayam hehehe One of their kids, who was in Irsyad had asked for a transfer to secular school as he was not able to cope with the many subjects in Irsyad.

Once tummies were fed, we walked over to one of the oldest shopping center in Singapore, Queensway Shopping Center, in search of the kids' school bags. Ayah always insists on a good brand for their school bags as they could last longer. So Deuter it is for the boys & High Sierra for Kakak. Abang & Adek got themselves new sandals/slippers too.

For some reasons, Kakak wanted to go to Ikea after Queensway. Ayah agreed but we needed to go to Masjid Mujahidin, which is just a few bus stops away for zuhr prayer prior to that. Adek did not wish to join us to Ikea so he left after solat.

tired & pretending to be sleeping in the bus on the way to the masjid :D

Loving the canteen in the masjid compund. Many non Muslims were seen having their meals there too. Packed some food home for dinner later.

And so it was Ikea moment after solat. Kakak & Teha were the happiest. And yes, we left for home with 'never leave Ikea empty handed' faces haha


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