Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Follow up Check-up I : Change of dressing

Ayah accompanied Abang earlier this morning for his check-up. Today, Abang needed a change in dressing. Alhamdulillah, I guess I made the right choice to not come along to NDC. The change of dressing was just too gross for me. Allah!! Lau ikot tadi ley pengsan aku >.<

How does a more than a half metre of gauze from inside the mouth sound to you? Ya Allah, dengar je dah gerun!!! berjela-jela ewwww!!!


With that taken out, a new gauze was replaced, after stitches were taken off. Obviously kena bius la kan. New gauze in, stitched and done! That's really a BIG OUCHHHH!!! But alhamdulillah my boy's a hero, he endured. :') And his road to recovery is fast alhamdulillah.

According to Dr Lai, his jaw bones need to grow within a year. Otherwise, another operation is needed to fix them by taking the bones from his waist. Ya Allah!! Alhamdulillah, from the x-ray, we could see that the bone's starting to grow. But still, it hurts me so much to see him suffering. That's such a big hole now in his mouth :'(

Next appointment will be on 19th Dec, after we come back from our trip. It's just too sweet of Dr Lai to wish us a safe journey. May everything goes well, insyaAllah.


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