Thursday, July 19, 2012


Scoliosis ~ an abnormal curving of the spine. The causes are unknown; could be genetically inherited or due to hormonal changes.

Honestly speaking, it was my first to come across the word scoliosis. Thanks to adek, scoliosis is nothing alien to mama now. Adek was diagnosed as having scoliosis sometime last week when the school health team made their school visit. He was referred for further check-up at the School Health Center.

Was at the School Health Center earlier this afternoon for his check-up. Thru' x-ray, the curve could be easily seen clearly on his lower spine, looking like an 'S'. Adek needs further referral and has to see a specialist next week. Depending on the specialist's observation and opinion, and how bad the scoliosis is, wearing a brace would be considered for him...hmmm orang kai braces pat gigi, adek kai pat backbone hehe..hopefully he'll go without the braces, for it will gonna take a few years, as long as 3 years till the curve on the spine could be corrected. Ya Allah, whatever it is, we redha, insyaAllah :))


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