Thursday, July 12, 2012

A holiday not meant to be

We were looking forward to the recent June holidays for a getaway to Malacca. Unfortunately, our holiday to Malacca, supposedly to be on 16-18 June, had to be cancelled at the very last minute coz kakak was having HFMD. We couldn't just proceed with it coz the clinic had reported her having HFMD to both MOM & the school. 

Obviously, everyone was disappointed but alhamdulillah all of us took it well. A blessing in disguise, insyaAllah :))

Anyway, the return coach tickets for 5 which we had booked prior to our departure were forfeited. And we actually had to pay for a night's stay for our last minute cancellation in hotel booking. However, after a few phone calls to both Syaz Meridien &, we managed to make them waive the payment, alhamdulillah :)))

our bus tickets to malacca which had to be forfeited

hotel booking which we managed to convince the management to waive the payment :))


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