Sunday, July 29, 2012

Family Iftar

Had iftar over at Mak & Bapak's crib on Saturday. Except for eldest bro, all my 4 elder sisters were there too with their respective families. 2 parents, 5 children and 21-2 grandchildren, all in a crampy studio apartment. But that has never been an issue though, and we have always been a very organised lot, alhamdulillah. 

Bapak is in a state where fasting isn't made obligatory for him. It truly is heart breaking to see the present him :( so fragile and needs much assistance from Mak. May Allah bless Mak with good health to care for Bapak and may she be given the strength and patience in putting up with his antics. Looking back, this very much reminds me of the times I cared for Tok during Mak & Bapak's pilgrimage to Makkah. I was in my almost full term pregnancy with adek and wasn't patient with Tok most times :'( Ya Allah, forgive me of all my sins towards Tok..alFateha..

Anyway, iftar went well, with nasi jagung, ayam masak merah, black pepper prawns, mee goreng as main course and apom, epok2, kebab, roti boyan, agar2 koko, watermelons as desserts..hee, such yummy spread!! :))) And we ended the night with the congregational Tarawih prayer lead by my bro-in-law and the nephew leading the Witr prayer. Alhamdulillah, thank You Allah for them, my lovely parents and siblings and nephews and nieces <3<3<3


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