Thursday, July 12, 2012

Pasir Gudang : Masjid Jamek & around


It was truly a UAI fever for us this Dec holidays. We were at Pasir Gudang for another of Ustaz Azhar Idrus' kuliyyah :) Pasir Gudang is so near home & it didn't take us long to reach Hotel Selesa where we stayed for the night.

We were delighted to know that UAI & family stayed in the same hotel & yes, their room was so close to ours haha k k that wasn't quite important, though it meant abit to us :) Bro-in-law & Ustaz Hafiz were lucky enough to have met UAI during breakfast..jeles la sey! haha

while waiting to check in..ape lagi, ah huay, take pikcer take pikcer haha

out for late lunch cum dinner after checking in

adek ready to go masjid jamek


hannan kepenatan

3 angels guarding hannan :)

always full house

saw UAI's wives & adik Ash & adik Mukmin

supper after kuliyyah :  waiting for our food to be served

breakfast at the hotel

hannan & the girls enjoying their dip in the pool after breakfast


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