Saturday, July 14, 2012

Activate or Deactivate

Deactivation of FB account during the month of Ramadhan isn't necessary, so says Ustaz Hafiz during our Fardhu 'Ain class. If spreading da'wah has always been your main purpose in fb-ing, then da'wah has to go on in the blessed month of Ramadhan. I agree, yes, but I don't have the intention of activating my fb any sooner, not even after Ramadhan.

I'm suffocating in fb. Call me a weirdo if you must. While I love making friends, too many of them suffocate me big time! *tak add dikata sombong, bila add sendiri lemas lol!* And there are just too many pretentious & insincere individuals. Just a few genuine close ones is enough warmth for me, thank you :) And above all, I have Allah as my best companion :D


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