Saturday, February 9, 2013

Jalan2 JB, Makan2 & Get Fat

It was Chinese New Year's eve and we decided to have a siblings' day out, a day sponsored by niece, Mirah hehehe It wasn't full force though coz it was only 3 out of six of us who went. And what better way to have good, cheap food that's nearer from home than going across the causeway.

And so we settled for City Square, a stone's throw away from the CIQ. We started our day only after solat zohor as we were not expecting any traffic congestion. True enough, the bus journey from Kranji MRT & customs clearance was truly a breeze alhamdulillah.

It was way past lunch time and Wak Na's as well as Kakak Yah's stomach were already playing the keroncong beat kekeke so first up was finding a makan place, which wasn't difficult at all. Kakak Yah wanted to have something western, so we settled for Secret Recipe, not a problem, as it was her treat anyway :)

So, it was Thai seafood spaghetti for Wak Na, fish & chips for Wak In, crispy chicken & chips for Kakak Yah and Thai style fried rice for myself. Happy tummies made happy aunties hahaha

Walked abit after lunch to Popular bookstore, Cotton-on, FOS bla bla bla before going to Baskin Robbins for ice-creams. We were so full already tapi nak jugak makan ice-cream so share je la hahah

Went over to J-co for donuts, Subway for sandwiches and Rotiboy Shoppe for buns to bring back home. Before leaving for CIQ, we stopped over for asar at the CIQ musollah. Again, journey back home was a breeze and it was just the right time for maghrib upon reaching home, alhamdulillah. 

q-ing for subway

mother & daughter :)

asar at CIQ musollah

Thank you so much Kakak Yah & Wak Na for the treat and Wak In too for the fabulous siblings' day out. We should do it more often, with the rest the next time, insyaAllah :))


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