Thursday, February 21, 2013

Fever oh Fever

It was Adek's birthday alright. No special celebration, for Adek would only come back at about 10.30pm after his Tahfiz class.

Earlier in the day, Ayah received a call from Irsyad saying that a teacher from Aljunied infromed that Abang wasn't well. In fact, it has been two weeks now that he's down with an on off high fever. And then, it was Ayah, then Adek. I got a lil panic when it concerned Abang especially, after what he had been thru' last year. I tagged Mr Isham at the spur of the moment in my FB status hoping for a quick reply ( lau tepon sch susah nak get hold of the teacher s) coz I wanted to know if there was any report on Adek not being well. ( so Ayah could fetch both at the same time) Mr Isham was very prompt in his reply to my quest. Alhamdulillah Adek was fine.

After fetching Abang home, both had their lunch and solat before leaving for NUH. Yes, we didn't want to take any chances, hence the hospital. Once reached & registered, Abang was pushed to the X-ray room for ICG. Then the long wait begin. Boleh jadi gila tunggu, Ayah cakap lol! Abang was at the observation room for such long hours. ( 3+pm - 8+ ) They need to monitor his temperature as well as his heartbeat. By then, Abang was on drips and sampai habes 3 packs of glucose. But alhamdulillah, the waiting was all worthwhile. Nothing was alarming, his temp was back to normal after much close observation. Alhamdulillah, he wasn't admitted :) Still, he needs to continue medication for his fever & coughs.

While Abang's condition was considerably steady, Mama & Kakak had a fair share of the flu/fever bug the same night. 39.5 was the highest for Mama. MasyaAllah everything is as Allah's will. Redha, redha & redha! ( moga ianya menjadi penghapusan dosa2 kami ameen ) Allah loves us, yes, He does! :') May Allah grant us all syifa, ameen.

Oh & yes, even Teha is not spared. Kesian she too is having high fever at 39.7 the highest. Syafakillah my dearest!

budak sakit yang tak selera makan tapi badan macam terlebih makan hehehe


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