Saturday, February 9, 2013

High Fever

It's been 4 days now that Abang's high fever has yet to subside. It was nothing less than 38.4 all the time and the highest being 39.7

Abang went to the clinic alone despite Mama's offer to accompany him (agaknye dia kesian nengok Mama kepala ngah mengong hehe) on Wednesday night, 6/2/13, after complaining that he couldn't quite hear properly on his right ear. He was prescribed with Soluwax eardrop to be applied on the affected ear 3 times a day. I thought it was too much for 10 drops per time so I googled for more info on Soluwax, & ok, I got the same suggested prescription.

The next day, he was down with fever with temperature above 38. I wasn't quite sure if it was due to his ear problem or was it just a coincident. Ayah brought him to our regular family clinic at Limbang instead of going back to the clinic Abang went the other night. (Dr pat situ lau check kelam-kabot2 je tak thorough.) Dr Azhar said he would have prescribed ear oil (olive oil) or cream instead of the drops, but he asked Abang to continue applying what had been prescribed by the previous Dr. Abang was given Nurofen tablets as well as some other medicine for his phlegm.

His fever went down yesterday during the day (tu pasal Mama tak risau masok JB smalam) but was up again in the evening when I got back from JB. Decided to bring him back to Dr Azhar. This time, Dr Azhar decided to inject on his ear to suck out what seemed to be some thick wax which got stuck in there, which the eardrop failed to have any reactions on it. And alhamdulillah, his hearing felt much better after that. Hoping that he's gonna be alright for school next week after the holidays, insyaAllah.


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