Thursday, March 21, 2013

Let's Bowl!!

It was a great family bonding at Safra Toa Payoh Super Bowl!! The kids really had a great time alhamdulillah. It was a once in a blue moon that they got to spend a quality time with Ayah :D

After bowling, we had lunch at Fork & Spoon at Toa Payoh Central. Zuhr prayer was at Masjid Muhajirin.

Then we went over to Tutti Frutti at Clementi for some frozen yoghurt before calling it a day.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Malay Heritage Centre

We decided to have a 3 generations' day out right after lunch. Met up with my Mak at Clementi mrt station before heading to Masjid Sultan for our zuhr prayer.

After solat we headed to the Malay Heritage Centre at Sultan Gate, just behind Masjid Sultan. Senior citizens & students need not have to pay for the entrance fees. As such, I was the only one who need to pay a fee of $4 for entry to the Malay Heritage Centre.

There were so much to see and learn in there, that I would recommend this place to all :)) And, obviously, we took lotsa pix while we were there.

Then it was time to leave. Before leaving, we went to Victory restaurant to get some chicken murtabak to be brought home. Stopped by Golden Landmark for some window shopping before taking the train home at Bugis. It was a wonderful quality time spent among the 3 generations alhamdulillah :))

Lunch at Seoul Garden

 Lunch was at Seoul Garden Clementi Mall branch today. It was niece, Atin's treat, alhamdulillah, may Allah grant her with more rizq insyaAllah ameen.

I do not fancy vege, except for some kimchi & what looked like sesame oil marinated kangkong, it was all meat & seafood for lunch.

We had chicken bulgogi, black pepper beef, fish fillets & squids to grill and sotong balls, prawns, cockles, lala & bee hoon put to boil in tom yam base soup. Everything was yummey!! :D

And then it was dessert time. I had self-made ice kacang while Atin indulged on mango ice cream. It was my first at Seoul Garden so of coz la so many jakon moments hahahha

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Bro-in-law, sis & nieces' Umrah 2013

We were at the airport earlier this noon sending off bro-in-law, sis & nieces for their umrah. Mixed feelings in me..happy, sad, excited, all at once. Just couldn't stop the tears from falling the moment it was time to bid them goodbye. A good big hugs and kisses and last words from sis before departing, "keep on dreaming D, keep them alive" Allahu Allah! :')

Ya Allah, keep them safe and grant them an Umrah, mabrur wa maqbul, ameen.


Friday, March 15, 2013

Haruman syurga

Bahagia rasanya dapat mencium 2 haruman syurga yang dilahirkan baru-baru ini. MasyaAllah harum mewangi, suci, tanpa dosa :')

nur fasihah aishah


Monday, March 11, 2013

Teha Dah Jadi Kakak!!

Alhamdulillah, dah bertambah ahli keluargaku...err ye la keluarga..dah lama pon aku anggap Teha macam anak aku sendiri. Ibu Teha dah selamat melahirkan anaknya yang ke empat. Hafiz's angels, yes kesemuanya girls. Dah ketentuan Allah, alhamdulillah.

Tak sangka pulak Nora will give birth hari ini coz sepatutnya due date is in May. Nora sendiri pon tak expect. Mungkin silap kira EDD tak? hehehe Anyway last night she said perut dia terasa bisa. Nak dihantar Teha ke sini takut aku dah tidur & mengganggu. Allah, kalau emergency tu takde ape yang mengganggu. Dihantarnya Teha to her Nyai's house in Jurong. Tried to whatsapp her again asking about Teha & herself but she didn't reply. Risau jugak la kan..mebe dia da pat hospital ke..kesian pulak teha dihantar ke Jurong. Dah petang almost 5pm gitu baru dapat reply & it was truly a sweet surprise when she announced that she had already given birth. Nora apologised for not replying my whatsapp earlier coz tak tahu kenapa tak boleh whatsapp. At that point of time, she sms-ed me instead, using another phone. Baru lah lega hati ni. Alhamdulillah semuanya dah selamat but I have yet to visit her. Mungkin kalau sihat, besok dia balik. 

Kakak was so excited upon hearing the news, kalau boleh nak pergi nengok baby itu jam jugak. But leceh la SGH masuk 4 orang at one time. Keluarga dia mesti ramai yang datang visit. Takpe lah nanti baby dah balik can visit. Or perhaps tomorrow noon kalau belum discharge, insyaAllah.

Besok, Ayah Hafiz will send Teha over to Mama's. Steadylah, anak Mama dah jadi kakak sey!! hehehhe

Monday, March 4, 2013


ya Allah, ilhamkan kepadaku ketajaman akal dan lindungilah aku dari kejahatan diriku sendiri..ya Allah, ilhamkan kepadaku cara yang terbaik untuk mentarbiyah diri dan hati ini serta diri dan hati orang2 yang aku sayangi...

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Adek's Belated Birthday lunch

Been more than two weeks now since his birthday. Now that everyone is well, Ayah took leave for today to go JB for lunch, a belated birthday lunch for Adek.

We went to City Square as per the kids' request to have lunch at Secret Recipe. All because they didn't get the chance to be there the day Kakak Yah treated Mama & their aunts.

Walked around the mall abit. Had ice-creams at Baskin Robbins and frozen yoghurt at Tutti Frutti before heading home. A quality time spent indeed alhamdulillah :))

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Fever oh Fever

It was Adek's birthday alright. No special celebration, for Adek would only come back at about 10.30pm after his Tahfiz class.

Earlier in the day, Ayah received a call from Irsyad saying that a teacher from Aljunied infromed that Abang wasn't well. In fact, it has been two weeks now that he's down with an on off high fever. And then, it was Ayah, then Adek. I got a lil panic when it concerned Abang especially, after what he had been thru' last year. I tagged Mr Isham at the spur of the moment in my FB status hoping for a quick reply ( lau tepon sch susah nak get hold of the teacher s) coz I wanted to know if there was any report on Adek not being well. ( so Ayah could fetch both at the same time) Mr Isham was very prompt in his reply to my quest. Alhamdulillah Adek was fine.

After fetching Abang home, both had their lunch and solat before leaving for NUH. Yes, we didn't want to take any chances, hence the hospital. Once reached & registered, Abang was pushed to the X-ray room for ICG. Then the long wait begin. Boleh jadi gila tunggu, Ayah cakap lol! Abang was at the observation room for such long hours. ( 3+pm - 8+ ) They need to monitor his temperature as well as his heartbeat. By then, Abang was on drips and sampai habes 3 packs of glucose. But alhamdulillah, the waiting was all worthwhile. Nothing was alarming, his temp was back to normal after much close observation. Alhamdulillah, he wasn't admitted :) Still, he needs to continue medication for his fever & coughs.

While Abang's condition was considerably steady, Mama & Kakak had a fair share of the flu/fever bug the same night. 39.5 was the highest for Mama. MasyaAllah everything is as Allah's will. Redha, redha & redha! ( moga ianya menjadi penghapusan dosa2 kami ameen ) Allah loves us, yes, He does! :') May Allah grant us all syifa, ameen.

Oh & yes, even Teha is not spared. Kesian she too is having high fever at 39.7 the highest. Syafakillah my dearest!

budak sakit yang tak selera makan tapi badan macam terlebih makan hehehe

Adek is 15

My once-upon-a-time chubby, puteh melepak, kaki melalak & cute little 2nd bundle of joy is 15 today. At 15, he's such a reliable Imam and he aims to be a Hafiz one day, ameen3 insyaAllah. May Allah grant him steadfastness upon the straight path, and may whatever he does, he does it for none other but Allah. And may his dream of becoming a Hafiz come true, insyaAllah ameen :')

Sunday, February 17, 2013

UAI @ Masjid Sultan

Alhamdulillah, was given the opportunity to attend UAI's kuliyah last night. It had been 2 yrs since the last we attended his live kuliyah at Subang Jaya, Bangi & Pasir Gudang, all of which were in Malaysia.

Ustaz Azhar Idrus' ( affectionately known as UAI ) kuliyah never fails to attract his followers. Singaporean fans are no exception. Masjid Sultan was overflowing with UAI's fans & it's main Muslimin & Muslimah's prayer halls were full house even an hour before Maghrib. Subhanallah! The auditorium, basement, areas outside the masjid, the walkways outside the masjid's gates were all full house!! MasyaAllah!! Hebak tarikan Ustak! :D

UAI delivered his talk with much humor. Humor aside, it was all full of beneficial 'ilm alhamdulillah. Apart from the kuliyah, we witnessed the launching of his latest book. Da'wah in comic, nice! I bought and I've read, yes :)

Looking forward to many more of his kuliyah in Singapore, insyaAllah.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Ingin Majlis Walimah Yang Macamana?

It's a tad too early to even think about majlis walimah for my kids hehehe Tapikan, all these while both Hubby & I have agreed that our majlis walimah will be something simple, yang tak membingitkan, most improtantly memorable for short, yang diberkati Allah. And we are actually looking at having the walimah pat masjid je (nikah pat masjid, jamuan pat masjid) with only close relatives and close friends as guests. Tak perlulah nak korek2 pat lobang cacing cari orang2 kampong lama lol!!

Beruntunglah bakal mertua bila bakal menantu sendiri menyuarakan keinginan yang sama for a majlis yang simple yet diberkati Allah. Tak nak sanding2, tak nak diarak-arak, tak nak kompang2, tak nak salin2 baju sampai 10 pasang. Tapi adat lah kan, pengantin mesti nak look pretty on her big day :) haizzz..time anak aku nanti, ade ke calon2 bakal menantu yang sekepala berfikiran cam aku ni? Kalau ada, alhamdulillah, Mama suke! :D Dulu rasanya dah terlalu banyak kesilapan, yang antara sedar dengan tidak, antara adat dan syariat, yang terjadi didalam menyempurnakan majlis walimah kami. Berharap sangat tidak akan berulang kesilapan2 lalu, insyaAllah.

Tapi to each his own. Tak semua orang inginkan majlis yang serupa sepertimana yang kami inginkan. Andai itu terjadi, we still have to respect what the other side think best for them. Sekali dapat bakal besan yang mintak hantaran ikut kelulusan, kecantikan/kehenseman anak dia, yang nak buat grand2 pat hotel, baru padan muka aku! kekekeke 

Macam2 je..anak yang tua belom pon amek O level da cakap pasal majlis walimah lol!!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tinker Bell

A fictional character, Tinker Bell was Kakak's favourite fairy in her younger days, and still is. Supposedly Peter Pan's best friend in PP's series, Tinker Bell, often mispelled as Tinkerbell, is every other little girl dream fairy.

Tink for short, I wasn't sure if I was able to sit for an hour or so with Kakak watching the DVD when she first got hold of her very first Tinker Bell movie. Nice! I enjoyed the first movie in DVD which Ayah bought for her. Little fairies and their adventures sure brought fun and laughter.

Then the collection of Tink's other movie DVDs continued. Not that I mind, no, not at all coz I really enjoy watching those fairies in actions, some of which, we both had watched for more than twice..oh yes, I'm young at heart hehehe

Was at Mustafa Center on Monday and make a guess what Kakak bought among her other things? Another of Tinker Bell's movie. I guess Secret of the Wings is the last of Tinker Bell's movies. She got herself Alvin & The Chipmunk's Chipwrecked too, and oh well, it was movie time for both of us yesterday. It was fun, alright :)

Kakak was so much into fairies once-upon-a-time ago that Mama even bought her a fairy suit, during her pre-school, six years ago hehehe

mama's very own tinkerbell..cute kan? hehe sorry kakak mama can't resist posting these pix..tkpela time ni kakak baru 5 years old..


Monday, February 11, 2013

Healthy Snack

I'm so loving this snack combination of wolfberries, green raisins, yellow raisins, black raisins, almonds, winter melon seeds and pumpkin seeds. Delicious and healthy snack I must say. Got this one from NTUC and I thought I saw it at Mustafa Center too yesterday. Go get it & try! Sedap! 


Saturday, February 9, 2013

High Fever

It's been 4 days now that Abang's high fever has yet to subside. It was nothing less than 38.4 all the time and the highest being 39.7

Abang went to the clinic alone despite Mama's offer to accompany him (agaknye dia kesian nengok Mama kepala ngah mengong hehe) on Wednesday night, 6/2/13, after complaining that he couldn't quite hear properly on his right ear. He was prescribed with Soluwax eardrop to be applied on the affected ear 3 times a day. I thought it was too much for 10 drops per time so I googled for more info on Soluwax, & ok, I got the same suggested prescription.

The next day, he was down with fever with temperature above 38. I wasn't quite sure if it was due to his ear problem or was it just a coincident. Ayah brought him to our regular family clinic at Limbang instead of going back to the clinic Abang went the other night. (Dr pat situ lau check kelam-kabot2 je tak thorough.) Dr Azhar said he would have prescribed ear oil (olive oil) or cream instead of the drops, but he asked Abang to continue applying what had been prescribed by the previous Dr. Abang was given Nurofen tablets as well as some other medicine for his phlegm.

His fever went down yesterday during the day (tu pasal Mama tak risau masok JB smalam) but was up again in the evening when I got back from JB. Decided to bring him back to Dr Azhar. This time, Dr Azhar decided to inject on his ear to suck out what seemed to be some thick wax which got stuck in there, which the eardrop failed to have any reactions on it. And alhamdulillah, his hearing felt much better after that. Hoping that he's gonna be alright for school next week after the holidays, insyaAllah.

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